Get Certified


There is a $75 evaluation fee per pet that is required (payable by email transfer) in order to reserve a time slot. Time slots are generally filled on a first-come first-served basis. Evaluation dates fill quickly, so please be aware there may be a wait for a time slot. This fee helps us cover the cost of our trainers and rental of the facility, and is non-refundable.

A minimum of 7 days of notice is required for us to attempt to fill your time slot in the event that you are unavailable. If we are able to fill you time slot, we will transfer your fee towards the next certification date. We provide feedback on our evaluation immediately after your assessment.

If you and your animal have passed, you will be required to attend 2 orientation visits in which you are provided information to help you volunteer, and what your volunteer experience will be like.


CAAWLS typically holds an evaluation one Saturday per month from 1pm - 5 pm. The evaluation takes place at K9 Awareness, Rowland Cresc, St Albert. For information on K9awareness please visit:

The first part of the evaluation is a basic obedience component with dogs showing basic manners and skills. The second component is a temperament test where we expose the dog to stimuli they may encounter during a visit. Each evaluation takes ~25 minutes and we provide results right after. Evaluations occasionally take a bit longer than that for various reasons, and we appreciate your patience if we are running a bit behind.

Upon completion of your individual evaluation, you and your animal are required to complete 2 orientation visits with our coordinator. This allows for modifications to restrictions, monitor the dogs stress during visits, and of course support our new volunteers as they prepare for future visits.



CAAWLS does not have any size, age or breed restrictions, and focus is on if your dog is friendly and safe to visit around humans and other animals in a controlled manner. Your animal cannot be on a raw diet due to the increased risk of zoonotic illness. All dogs must be in good health, with current vaccinations.

Any animal that demonstrates aggressive responses or excessive fearfulness will be deemed unsuitable for volunteering.



Only humane handling equipment such as harnesses, haltis, or flat collars are permitted during evaluation. Your animal may wear its martingale, face-harness, chest harness, or any other type of humane handling collar to the evaluation.

The following equipment is not permitted at any time during evaluation or volunteering:

  • Retractable leashes

  • Choke, slip, or prong collars


Temperament test

The temperament test is comprised of scenarios you and your pet may experience during a wellness session so that the trainers can observe how your animal will react. The test includes the following:

  • Initial “veterinary” handle to check for signs of pain

  • Basic obedience

  • Simulated crowd with stomping unexpected touching and noise

  • Exposure to common mobility aids like crutches, walkers, and a cane

  • “Rude” handling including hugs, rough petting, handling of ears, tails and paws.

  • Sitting with a youth volunteer

  • Another dog will be present during the test without directly interacting to ensure your dog is able to work in the presence of another animal


Interested in becoming an animal handler volunteer? Apply below!